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"Embracing Winter" - Hatha Yoga 

Th 5:30-7 pm - Jan 9-Feb 27, Mar 6-Apr 24

at Weber Physiotherapy


The late winter Kapha season can find us feeling lethargic, unmotivated, and lack-lustre.  Our practice will focus on meeting ourselves where we are at, then gently warming and mobilizing the best of our kapha energy.  You can look forward to movement that lightens & awakens, postures that enliven, and the challenge of energizing but manageable flow sequences.  We will invest in invigorating breathing techniques to oxygenate our tissues and 'blow out the blues'. You will be guided to find within yourself the extra energy & tapas you need to ‘do the work’ and truly earn & savor your savasana. Hurrah!  (I encourage you to bring extra soft warm props such as blankets or clothing layers for our finishing deep relaxation.)


Get 3 free classes when you register for all 16 weeks: Jan 9-Apr 24

Great price for 8 week Sessions! Jan 9-Feb 27 or Mar 6-Apr 24

10 Class Punch Pass & Drop-in also available.


Contact Suzanne for Details and Registration

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Gentle Yoga or Chair Yoga

or the Recreation Centre (Jan-Apr) 2025

Sign up for 1, 2, or 3 classes per week (M,W,F)

Gentle Yoga 9-10 am

Mon Jan 6-Feb 10 (#34862), Feb 24-Mar 31 (#34865)

Wed Jan 8-Feb 19 (#34863), Feb 26-Apr 2 (#34866)

Fri Jan 10-Feb 21 (#34864), Feb 28-Apr 4 (#34867)

Chair Yoga 10:30-11:30 am

Mon Jan 6-Feb 10 (#34852), Feb 24-Mar 31 (#34855)

Wed Jan 8-Feb 19 (#34853), Feb 26-Apr 2 (#34856)

Fri Jan 10-Feb 21 (#34854), Feb 28-Apr 4 (#34857)


Phone: 403-309-8411

In Person: Recreation Centre Address: 4501 47A Ave, Red Deer

On-line: Check the City of Red Deer – 

My Activity Guide at 
or Look ’n Book at


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Suzanne’s Top 10
Yogic Actions for Chaotic Times

  1. Dispel Fear

  2. Stay Connected

  3. Seek Serenity

  4. Support Others: Share

  5. Change Your Mind

  6. Reframe to Gratitude

  7. Move Your Body

  8. Laugh & Have Fun

  9. Remember What’s REALLY Important

  10. Speak & Act in We (not Me)

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Suz Yoga Jasper 5 Lakes 2014 Small(640x4

1) Dispel Fear

When you find yourself focusing on what you DON’T want, flick the switch to what you DO want. Then “Make it So”: Phrase the new thinking like it has already happened. (“I’m worried about my parents as they travel home from abroad. I’m not there to help them” becomes “My parents are safe & healthy. Others are there to help them if they need help.”) Thoughts are the engines of action. Positive thoughts = positive actions.

5) Change Your Mind

If your thoughts are not those you want to have a “permanent home” within you, then CHANGE them. Acknowledge & be aware of your very natural human feelings & emotions, but have the courage to let them go (or let them BE) and move on. “I’m so scared right now. I don’t know what to do.” Becomes “I am frightened in this moment but it will pass. What can I do right now that will help me carry on?” You are in charge of what you think and therefore in charge of what you do.  If you don’t like it, change it!

10) Speak & Act in We (not Me)

Listen to your speech & thoughts.  If you hear “I, Me, Mine” change it to “Us, We, Ours.” “I need this” becomes “How do WE get through this together?” “That person has it all & I have nothing” becomes “I have this that I can share with others.” It is pretty obvious which approach is going to get us through this … and even allow humanity to thrive & find opportunities to change, evolve & grow. This crisis can bring US together, not tear US apart. This world is OURS to own & learn from. WE have got this! GO HUMANS GO!

2) Stay Connected

… in a REAL way – Reach out to people as a human being. A REAL voice can convey so much more than a text. A smiling face is so much more soothing than an emoji. Feel privileged if you are healthy enough to be out in the world and contributing your time for others. Treasure those with whom you are self-isolated, knowing that others may be very alone.

6) Reframe to Gratitude

Re-orient yourself to what you DO have and what you are thankful for, RIGHT NOW! Always come back to “I am so thankful for … I HAVE …”.  Gratitude is a game-changer. It will give you the strength, motivation, means and courage to change your mind … and then change your actions and your world!

9) Remember What's REALLY Important

Is watching that next episode worth ditching time checking up on a loved one? Is chasing that paycheque worth sabotaging your own integrity? Is hoarding & creating a mountain of garbage compatible with keeping the beautiful natural spaces you love to be in? Will you be remembered as the person with the most toys or the one who made a positive impact? Ask yourself what really MAKES the “world you want to live in.” Check your everyday actions & make sure they support that world … in the long term.

3) Seek Serenity

Take 10 deep breaths, have a bath, listen to or make music, create something with your hands, pray or meditate, go for a walk … whatever slows you down and helps you relax. Humans are optimal when they are calm. We are NOT the best version of ourselves when we panic. A few moments are sometimes all that is needed. Take time to be calm and be your best you!

7) Move Your Body

Your health & wellness is ALWAYS what makes you the most effective version of yourself. Moving is what our bodies were designed to do. Even if you are confined to a small space or a chair, there are always “on the spot” movements you can do – in pain-free range of motion, of course. Swing and reach your arms. Move your legs in different directions. Bend, twist, and extend your trunk. Wiggle & wave your hands & feet. Turn and tip your head. Dance. Walk. Run. Do your favorite stretch. It’s easy and will re-energize you!

4) Support Others: Share

A no brainer? Maybe … but keep asking yourself what skills, talents & interests you have and how you can help the world in your own way. Care for someone’s pet or child. Prepare a delicious meal. Find innovative solutions to a problem. Volunteer. Cover off for someone at work. Build or create something. Give things away. Consider ways to support strangers, locally or around the world. ALSO: Remember that non-humans need our support, too … we are the custodians of the animals, plants, and environment that we also depend on. They are all part of the beautiful world we inhabit. Support them, diligently, too.

8) Laugh & Have Fun

A sense of humor can be a light in dark moments. Look on the bright side of things, find the fun in everyday moments, & help others do the same. It takes creativity & quick intelligence to be witty in a non-judgemental way. How can you turn a straight face or a frown into a smile, a chuckle, or a full-on belly laugh?

5) Change Your Mind
6) Reframe to Gratitude
7) Move Your Body
8) Laugh & Have Fun
9) Remember What's Important
10) Speak & Act in We (not Me)
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Spin Class May 2014, Suz 005_edited.jpg
Holidays Jun4-25 - Cycle Tour Gulf Islan

Weekly Classes with Suzanne

Your Long-Term Favorites:

Gentle 55+ Yoga
Warming Candlelit Hatha
Breathe & Heal
Happy Hour Hatha
Warming Yin
Young at Heart (50+ Yoga) NEW TIME
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Newer classes include:

High Intensity Cycling - Spin
Chair Yoga 
Recover & Rebuild Yoga
Hatha Yoga to Destress


Mindfulness Meditation​
(for Beginners)
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Via Ferrata Sept 16, COE Fall, Doodle MT
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Holidays July 15 - Abraham Lake Yoga, Fish Lake SUP 007 (640x640).jpg
Holidays July 15 - Siffleur MTB, Figure 8 Trail, Last Ride 028 (640x479).jpg
Holidays July 15 - Abraham Lake Yoga, Fish Lake SUP 013 (640x480).jpg
SUP 3-Mile Bend, Moose, Zee, Casey, Porscha, Suz, Wayne 065 (640x480).jpg
Via Ferrata Sept 16, COE Fall, Doodle MT
Via Ferrata Sept 16, COE Fall, Doodle MT
Purrs & Poses Cat Yoga poster-October 13

Past Opportunities
Purrs & Poses - Yoga with Cats (& Suzanne)

Sat 10-11:30 am Oct 13

fundraiser for CAHS (Central Alberta Humane Society)

Cats, yoga class, light brunch & refreshments provided.

$25 Donation

Register with CAHS:  or Phone:  403-342-7722

Location: 4505 77 Street Red Deer - Map

Past Opportunities
Sept 7-9, 2018
Fall Hiking & Yoga Retreat

Hiking & Mountain-Top Yoga

Sept 28-30, 2018 
Womens Fall Equinox Retreat 

Sunset mantra, light hiking, yoga,
creating a crystal grid & drum circle.
at beautiful COE Lodge(just past Nordegg, AB)
see "Retreats" for details

Past NEW stuff!


New 5-Week Mindfulness Course starts May 2017


Mindfulness Meditation 2.0
Wed 5:30-6:30 pm,
May 3 - 31 (5 weeks)
at The Breathing Room.
Check "Workshops & Courses" for details.
Last class filled quickly so sign-up soon.

Shake & Stir Your Asana

July 17-21, 2017 (M-F) 8:30 am -3:00 pm

at The Breathing Room Yoga Studio & Cafe, Red Deer, Alberta

including enjoying sunshine yoga in the park on beautiful days.

Shake up your yogic lifestyle and advance your practice (wherever it's at)! 

Here's what last year's participants said:


Suzanne was awesome and so knowledgeable.  She is a wonderful instructor and I am so glad I was able to spend the week learning from her!

I did not want the week to end.  I could have spent another week delving a little deeper into all the information that was presented.

I would tell anyone who is just starting with yoga to take this class because I learned so much “stuff” about the history of yoga which to me was fascinating.  It was a good basis to the foundation of yoga and has made me just want to learn more and more, so I would highly recommend this class. 


I really enjoyed having Suzanne come into the yoga classes we were practicing and offer alignment suggestions or variations. It was extremely beneficial because she had taken time to know areas that each of us were struggling with and where we wanted to improve.


There is so much more to learn about yoga! I feel much more connected to my practice now than I ever have.


[This retreat was] a great way to dive deeper into your practice and learn more about yourself!

Mala Making & Meditation Practice
One-day workshops
Sat Mar 18, 2017 - 9 am - 1
Kerry Wood Nature Centre (in Red Deer)
Mala yoga meditation practice to be led by Suzanne. 

Cost: $100 pp or bring a friend (2 for $150)
Includes all mala supplies & instruction, tea & local snack. 
Registration: Contact Michelle at 

Last Women In The Woods: Yoga & Drumming Retreat was a blast!


Budokon Boxing Week Blitz

Monday-Friday Dec 26-30, 2016 - 9-10:30 am 


I felt so much stronger after 5 days in a row of this demanding martial-arts inspired yoga workout! Attendees did the entire Budokon Primary Series sequence non-stop by day 5 ... with an extra round of "animals" to boot.

Thanks for putting the work in!

Location: YARD (Yoga Alliance Red Deer)

Phone: 403-550-9240


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